Shell function: error message due to length of the

13. Juni 2018 10:35

I want to use the shell function to call an exe and pass parameters ...
It seems that the parameters can only be up to 250 characters in total.

So roughly the line is code:

SHELL (file, parameter1 + parameter2 + parameter3 + parameter4 + parameter5 + parameter6 + parameter7 + parameter8);

File is a text constant where the path of the file is stored.
Parameter1 - Parameter8 are text variables that I fill with any table fields ...

When the call comes then the error message:

The source length exceeds the size of the destination buffer.

Can I somehow solve it differently or does anyone else know what?

Thanks in advance

Re: Shell function: error message due to length of the

13. Juni 2018 12:06

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